As I prepared myself for LFW Day 4 I made my way to the office to spend a day back in the world of Fashion PR. On a Monday full of reports and emails there's nothing like one of the hottest tickets of London Fashion Week to get you through the day! Meadham Kirchoff awaited on this monday evening & on this day I felt like tuning into a casual playful character! Sporting some vintage Mickey Mouse & an amazing pair of Cheap Monday's I got on sale for 9 quid! DIE!

At the strike of 6 we left the office and made our way over the the old Waterloo terminal , the venue for all the TopShop Newgen designers' shows. As I jogged my way to the massively long queue , I queued patiently for a show I had been anticipating all week. Last London Fashion Week while interning at Goodley the Meadham Kirchoff show was one of the most emotional experience i've experienced. The build-up backstage , the tears, the last minute adjustments, trying to co-ordinate the masses of crowds eagerly awaiting to be seated. The collection itself last season was some what olverwhelming and there were mixed thought from everyone. People either loved it or hated it or didnt quite understand it. Once Meadham Kirchoff's pieces are broke down however & their vision is clear , you can see the beauty in their clothes. As I made my way towards the show I was already overwhelmed, first by the sheer impact the venue had, such a great location for a show and then the set. MK had literally built a set of a somewhat twisted fairytale land. Wizard of Oz meets Alice in Wonderland - on crack! As the show began

with the narration 'I Fucking won Miss Congeniality dammit' , the first look was out. Meadham & Kirchoff's vision was clear , a punk princess , twisted beauty pageant that combined textures of silks lace , painted leathers and over the top layering & styling like only MK can! An explosion of colour and vibrance that made you want to banish all things black & bathe in crimson & fuschia!

My favorite piece was an acid yellow painted leather jacket with what appeared to be an egyptian symbol repeated various times across the body and sleeves of the jacket! Literally made me want to jump on the runway and take it off the models back & throw it on mine!

As each look made me squeal more than the previous the show soon drew to its end and the parade of models that exploded onto the runway at shows end overwhelmed me as I was presented with a techni color display of Meadham & Kirchoff at their best! Not only was it inspirational but in many ways moving , I felt as though I was truly watching fashion history unfold infront of my eyes! These boys are unique that's for sure , love them or hate them I feel like this collection was Paris Fashion Week worthy. Eccentric. Theatrical. Incredible! I DIED!

I think what I like most about Meadham Kirchoff is that they make people think. As my colleagues and I walked out of the Waterloo terminal we each had distinct opinions about the collection. We each saw it in a different way and some of us loved it (me) and some of us didnt understand it (them) however it got us talking and it will have the rest of the fashion world talking - which ultimately is what differentiates the good designers from the great. Anyone can slap up a few sparkly dresses that are easy to look at , will sell and be copied by the high street however its the truly talented that have vision and tell a story through the fashion they send down the runway. Meadham Kirchoff , ladies & gentleman are truly talented! xoxo Deni