*This post was typed into my Blackberry on the way to London Heathrow International Airport on October 1st 2011 as I made my way back to Melbourne for the summer...
I can't really believe that after 2 years of living in the most amazing city in the world, I am now in a cab on the way to Heathrow to return down under until my sponsorship is processed and I can return to London. It doesn't feel real & still hasn't quite hit me. Words can't really begin to describe how much I love London. When I think back to the boy that moved here 2 years ago and the journey i've had it seems surreal. I never could have prepared myself for the emotional rollercoaster that waited for me in the United Kingdom. I landed, a very much in love highly devoted boyfriend who was ready to start a new life with someone I thought was my soulmate. I didn't think I had it in me to leave him, where I found that inner strength from I'll never know, but I did. Hard as it was looking back I see now it was the best decision I've ever made. My life started fresh. I could finally be the ME I wanted to be. However, from a heartbreaking end to a 2 year relationship - my first ever relationship - to my first internship in Fashion which single handedly changed my life and took me for a ride I will never forget. To the amazing people I've met who I now refer to as my London family - the real ME began to blossom. I've had the pleasure of meeting people I've looked up to and admired since childhood, have found myself in many a surreal situation and have been lucky enough to work with some of the most incredibly talented people in the world and I still can't quite fathom how this has all happened. I never knew I could love a city this much but when you land on your feet in a place where you feel more yourself than ever, you soon realise that 'home' really is where the heart is and my heart will well and truly always be in London. I could write a novel on the countless things I love about the city, its treasures, its people and through this blog I very well have! Words really can't do justice for how amazing my time has been so i'll let some pictures do the talking - there have been too many incredible moments along the way but here's a snapshot!

When I start to think about all the things i've learnt about myself in the last 2 years it overwhelms me slightly. I learnt so many things in London, simple every day things like doing your own washing, cooking and cleaning - to more complicated things like dealing with your first break up. However the most important lesson I learnt was the importance of the relationship you have with yourself. At the end of the day you have to wake up in your skin day in-day out and if you can't look in the mirror and love the person you see staring back no one ever will. For the first time in my life I started taking time to get to know ME. Having 'dates with myself' as I would call them much to my friends' amusement. However I have come back more comfortable with myself as a person than ever and look forward to continuously learning more about myself as the years go by. The journey back to Geelong will be a long one for this BOY WITH THE PRADA BACKPACK but it won't be long till i'm back home & that for me is London.
Thankyou London x I love you x