The origin of the word Vogue comes from France meaning 'wave or course of success' other definitions lead back to words describing movement, travelling fast etc... all of these meanings, describe perfectly what Vogue stands for - Moving the (fashion) world forward, allowing its readers to through its pages, travel the world and enjoy its fashion. Last month I was lucky enough to intern with the prestigious fashion bible also known as Vogue. I have many times described in detail how I feel about Vogue and what it means to me , so as I walked through the revolving doors of Vogue House, located at London's Hanover Square - I couldn't help but smile!

Due to a confidentiality agreement I signed I can not go into lengthy in-depth detail about my time at Vogue , as I normally do with my other posts. However my short summary will be more than enough to explain how truly special my time was. At the helm of a magazine is its Editor. The media and popular culture lead us to have many a stereotype of how an editor should look and behave. Privately chauffeured car on a daily basis. Nope, the Editor proudly takes public transport whenever possible and occasionally cycles to work. Ice-Cold stare,
behind dark tinted sunglasses - No sunglasses inside no ice cold stare. Throwing of fur coats at her assistants. None of that, the editor hangs her coat in her cupboard, on her own & I never once saw a fur on her back. Demanding specifically cooked lunches be bought and served hot on a plate by her assistants. Once again, none of that here either. "Just popping out to grab myself a salad" , says the editor at lunch time as she ducks down to Itsu next door , on her own. Over the top , perfectly matching outfits together with perfectly coiffed hair , not a strand out of place. Refreshingly, no. The Editor's personal style is conservatively feminine (think printed A-Line skirts paired with beautiful knits) and her hair no different to anyone else. To the contrary what I did see is Alexandra Shulman, Editor of British Vogue - Businesswoman and Journalist

and one of the hardest working women in the UK's Fashion Industry. A woman who
talks to and treats her staff with respect and integrity and is open to everyone's ideas and suggestions and together with her team puts together a magazine to inspire women (and quite a handful of men) across the United Kingdom. As an intern stepping into an office of people I admire and look up to was nothing short of an honor. To work alongside the very people who write the articles I read word for word and main fashion I pour over every month, was an experience I will never forget. Most refreshing of all , my voice was heard. My ideas , thoughts and input taken into consideration as I worked on a fashion story with one of the team's editors. Coming into an office every day where people share the same passion as you is pure bliss and incredibly inspiring. In my 3 weeks of interning at Vogue, I can honestly say I learned more about how a magazine comes together , than I ever have. More over it further cemented in my mind that this is the industry I truly belong in! I will forever look at my time at Vogue as a full circle experience. From reading the magazine as a teenager to working with its team - and as I walked back out the revolving doors on my last day I looked up at Vogue House with another large smile on my face , pinched myself just a bit and realised that my fashion dream became a great reality! xoxo Denis
Hi Deni,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to comment to say that I discovered your blog only the other day and went back and basically read every post youve made, im 18 and an aspiring PR & stylist and its amazing reading your journey and all of the incredible opportunites you've had during your time in London. Im actually starting an internship with Goodley next week (thats how I came across your blog - researching them & your blog popped up) and after reading all about your time with them I'm even more excited than I was before, so just wanted to leave a little message to say what an inspiration you are for me to follow my fashion dreams, thanks Roberta xoxo
Hey Roberta,
ReplyDeleteSorry for the very late reply I only just saw your comment now. Big thankyou first off its lovely to hear such great feedback. My journey has been one hell of a ride and the only advice I will give you is embrace every experience that comes your way honey! Life is too short and when an opportunity presents itself - go for it! The Goodley team are brilliant you'll have a great time and such a great foot in the door to London's fashion industry! Keep reading & thanks for the lovely comment x