When I think back to the tearful goodbye at Tullamarine Airport - Melbourne , more than 19 months ago now, I can't fathom how I've gone this long with out physically being in the same room as my family. Skype - is a miracle of our modern world and though smiling into the webcam of my laptop whilst chatting to my parents and brother on a weekly basis is lovely (most times multiple times a week), it is not quite the same as reaching out for a hug. Sometimes when the world feels like its crumbling around you , all you want is a hug from your mum and this is a luxury i've not had for a very long time. So it was on my last day at Vogue that as I walked out of those revolving doors sad to leave this amazing fashion institution, my heart was racing with excitement at the joy that I was going to be reunited with my family in a matter of hours. As I waited at Heathrow, alone, with nothing but my iPod to keep me company, I started becoming very emotional - my family mean the world to me , that goes without saying. However the bond I have with them , my mother especially , is something that in this day and age can sadly be quite rare. I cant count the amount of times my friends have overheard a telephone conversation i've had with my mum - which at times sound something along the lines of 'OMG he was so fit, an amazing kisser. I really fancy him, do you think I should have sex with him soon?' - to then be asked 'was that your mother?' , to which I reply 'Yes', which shortly follows with 'Oh my god you sound like you're talking to your best mate' , 'Well my mum is my best mate' - end of! The bond I have with this incredible woman is like nothing i've ever felt in my life and the bond I have with my father & brother are no less amazing! So needless to say I started to get quite teary at the thought of soon being reunited. When the 3 of them walked out of the arrivals terminal (after their plane had been delayed an hour - typical) I literally ran up to my brother jumping on him and into a hug! What followed was a month of pure joy! Showing my parents this amazing city I now call home , as well as going back to Europe to visit our family across Switzerland, Austria, Germany & Yugoslavia - has truly been an amazing experience. I have matured and developed in so many different ways since being apart from them and having them recognise that and be proud of me for what I have achieved is indescribable. To break down every day would take an entirely seperate blog so for now i'll let the pictures do the talking...they're currently still visiting family but return to London in a couple of days. I cant wait to spend another 2 weeks with these amazing people I am blessed to call my family - saying bye to them at Heathrow is gonna be tough! xoxo Deni

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