Hi readers...yet again I find my self apologising that its been over a month since my last blog post! However due to the technical difficulties I have not had the internet at my flat for about a month now - how i've survived I dont quite now. However after much a do the wonderful.world.wide.web is back in my life and the blog posts will be coming back at you like bullets in a warzone baby so buckle up! As I write the next few posts I would like to note I am currently listening to my darling Kylie Minogue's new album Aphrodite which is the perfect soundtrack for my Summer in London!
My winter in London was full of snow , grey skies and layers of clothing and fashion addict that I am , I kind of cant wait to layer up for winter again (winter fashion is just so much fun) Summer however has been entirely different and the layers are far and few and my wardrobe has consisted of designer denim shorts and tshirts rolled up around my shoulders. Suddenly the sun is out , hem lengths rise and everyone is sunbathing in parks every chance they get. Summer has included picnics in the park with my flatmates. One occasion specifically was a balmy saturday evening in Regent's Park - a 10minute walk away from my house Regent's Park is one of my favorite parks in London. Surrounded by a wide array of bright coloured flowers , bright green grass the smell of summer was in the air and after almost 5 bottles of Rose between us , it was one of those nights where conversation flows , laughter is continuous and the exchanging of sex, relationship and family stories turned into quite the bonding session - a perfect evening.

Another favorite activity of the summer has been my weekly sunday sessions in east london. Sunday Funday generally includes a stroll and lunch along BrickLane's food and clothing stalls always featuring my mate Kif - for those of you who don't know, Kif and I met through my best friend Christie back home in g-town and we all went travelling together a few years back. Kif (real name Christopher) has now also moved to London and we have become really close, the 2 wogboys from g-town living it up in London town. After eating amazing vietnamese , tempting carribean and delicous morrocan delights every weekend we become more indecisive as to what infact to try. East London is an area like no other - full of quirky artistic types , clothed in their latest vintage finds , no matter how often I go I'm inspired by my surroundings.

No where else in London will you randombly stumble upon an euro-electronic DJ set up on the side of the lane and before you know it masses of people are dancing away to his beats on the street like its nothing - Kif, Michelle and I included. Beer in hand the crowd grew bigger and before I know it at least 30 people were dancing, a guy had climbed up onto a bin and clapped enthusiastically to the beat of every tune the DJ blasted from his decks, it was amazing and i'll never forget it!

Most Sunday night's end up dancing at quirky east london gay bar George & Dragon followed by the Joiners Arms. What's great about gay bars in London is that more often than not 50% of the crowd is in fact straight and its just a really fun mix of cool people. One weekend at the start of the month we met two gorgeous girls Anna and Elektra from Adelaide who we've now also become quite close friends with - that's what I love about London , you just never know who you'll meet! With the combination of cool people , cheap drinks and the perfect mix of 80s and current music its a guaranteed fun filled night and no matter how many times i've gone to work on Monday with only 3 hours sleep its never a regret! Come to think of it me, Kif and the girls havent a had a full fledged bricklane & night out Sunday Funday in almost a month now...must get on that asap!

The thing about summer is generally we associate summer with beaches and swimming. Living in this grand city that is London however limits you to your choice of beach. So it was that I found myself one sunday afternoon making my way to Hampstead Heath with the Diesel crew on a 30 degree day (record high's for these Londoner's who think 25 degrees is hot weather) to go swimming the the bathing ponds at Hampstead Heath. The Heath (as local's call it) perhaps better known for the park where George Michael was caught with his pants down , is one of the biggest parks in London and situated in the gorgeous area of Hampstead. Hampstead is quintessentially english. Quaint english houses, beautiful tree lined streets filled with cafe's and boutiques, as I walked to the Heath I thought , how lovely it would be to live up here. 20minutes away from Hampstead tube station and I found my way into the Heath and onto the grass. 20minutes of soaking up some sun, drinking more rose and sex chats with the girls (do you see a theme developing hehe) and it was soon time to take a dip in the pond! I couldnt quite believe me , an aussie beach boy , was about to go swimming in the pond. Clearly un-prepared no bathers in sight it was going to have to be my Ksubi denim shorts to the rescue. As we approached the pond , full of children , teenagers and adults alike , I made my way on to the jetty and took a big jump into the Pond. The water temperature was perfect and the soothing cool water against my skin was exactly what I needed on this hot summers day. I soon calculated that it was well over a year since i had gone 'swimming' in any kind of form and god it felt good. As I floated on my back and looked up into the cloudless sky I almost forgot I was London and for a few minutes I was taken back to childhood memories of swimming in Torquay.

Another thing I love about London is that so often when you're out of your comfort zone (halfway across the world) you tend to do things you wouldnt normally do eg. swimming in a pond - yet you let yourself go and love every moment of it! It was another great summer's day I wont soon forget! It has been an amazing start to the summer - nights filled with dancing and days lounging around parks with enough wine to last a life time , and there's a lot more to come - stay tuned for more posts on a some big events that have happened of late! Till then xoxo Deni
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