...so as Seema and I walked out of Kylie Fever leaving the Tous store and into a black cab
"We're going to Berkley Square driver , for the Glamour awards" I said. However, this was not how my night was supposed to end. A week earlier, Seema recieved her invitation to the Glamour awards however her plus one was someone from the Television agency that represent her. To be invited to this is quite a big deal and I felt priveliged and proud that I was going to dress her for it (along with the Kylie event) however that afternoon I recieved an email from Seema that changed the course of everything. "Deni , call me we have a problem" read the email. "Hun I cant i'm swamped with work as the Kylie event starts in 2 hours, whats wrong" - my stomach started to churn with thoughts of wardrobe malfunctions. The reply came through shortly after and it read -
See the problem is , my plus one for the Glamour Awards has bailed and I need someone to be my date. Do you think you could squeeze that in? Would that be ok? XxxI could hear the sarcasm in her voice as I imagined her saying this. The Glamour Awards Party was the hottest ticket in town & everyone in the fashion industry wanted an invite and here I was , just a smalltown boy and by chance I would now not only be styling my client for the red carpet event but attending it with her! I could hardly believe my eyes and I quickly replied.
OMG OMG OMG! I can't breathe! haha very funny Of course I can go! Talk soon xxx
...and so it is with this turn of fate that I was sat in a cab on my way to one of the hottest events of the year! As we stepped out at Berkley Square , the same square i've walked through many a time, the same square I've ate lunch in on various occasions & the same square I sat in crying into my blackberry as I told one of my best friends back home that my relationship was over. The square tonight was transformed into a white marquee location of pure GLAMOUR!!!

Screaming fans crowded the entrance waiting to spot their favorite celebs, pictures in hand waiting to be autographed (if the celebs were so kind) - I spotted a Jonas Brother & Billlie Piper on arrival & so it was that invite in hands guests were ready to get on in & dance the night away

As we walk into the tenth and turn left onto the red carpet it makes my heart smile to see Seema represent my version of Glamour, and seeing the end result as she stands infront of the Glamour 'photo-call' makes all the running around, chasing samples while juggling a PR career worth every second of it. Before I know it photo's are taken and its time to head straight in!

The clear roof of the marquee allows just enough twinkle of the stars to compliment the flashing lights of neon pinks and electric blue and you can feel the buzz in the air amongst the fashion savvy crowd. Everywhere I turn I see girls doing their version of Glamour! Cocktail dresses, maxi dresses , sexy jump suits and heels that get higher and higher with each girl passing by

Cheryl Cole's 'Fight for this Love' pumps through the air as she has just been awarded the prestigous Glamour Woman of the Year award. Deservedly so , she's an incredibly glamorous stylish woman and after the year she's had she's managed to keep composed and chic every step of the way. As Seema and I head to the bathroom for a quick toilet stop before heading to the bar, I am transported into the Blue room - surrounded by moisturiser, blatantly a marketing scheme and some very clever product placing, I am loving my blue light surroundings!

We walk back to the bar and straight to the cocktail list. 'The Glamourpuss' immediatley catches my eye and decide this will be my drink of choice for the evening. Belvedere vodka mixed with cranberries, raspberries, guava and lemonade on ice with a wedge of lemon - fabulously good

& sure to be lethal! As we weave through the crowd we head into the main room where I am confronted with the word GLAMOUR - ah what's that saying 'there's no place like home' I am in my element and feel like i've walked into the world that I truly belong to & its an amazing feeling

and then it seems the celebrity sightings begin. First up the wicked british rap sensation Tinee Tempah (who i'm due to see at the Wireless Music Festival in a few weeks) looked dapper in a geek-chic way I personally love! I just had to approach him 'Man you're threads are dope who are you wearing tonight?' , I ask casually. 'Ah thanks bruv, its Dolce baby, all Dolce' , 'Sik man!'

it was slightly surreal to be chatting fashion and snapping pics with a guy who's music I dance to most weekends and am seeing live soon. "Have a good night man" - we both say and Seema and I are back off into the throngs of fashionistas to get our groove on. As I walk through a couple of drunk girls I bump into a very tall figure and look up to see Florence - frontwoman of the amazing Florence & the Machine , wearing a stunning black sequinned Jasmine De Milo dress, "Sorry Honey" she says , "No problems lovely. Can I just say you're amazing & I love your music" , "Aww you're too nice" she replies. "And you look incredible , lovin this dress", "Thanks babe" she replies and before I know it we're discussing the new Sex and the City film & dancing to Prince - the moment is so surreal , 'You've got the love...' is one of my favorite songs and has sentimental value for me , Sex & the City related hehe and when Florence's version was released I've been hooked on her voice ever since. Here she was calling me babe & dancing with me! DIE!

10minutes after my Florence experience I spot Amanda Holden, the ever sophisticated Britain's Got Talent judge and the picture of Glamour in a white strapless dress! "Amanda I just have to tell you that i'm one of the many gays who finds you so utterly fabulous, I love you" I say slightly intimidated...she has a kind of sophisticated presence that seems almost angelic. She hugs me tightly and says "Oh my favorite kind of fan, I love my gays" and cocktails in hand we discussn favorite designers, moisturisers and tastes in men hehe we could've yapped away all night but there was more partying to be done and I told her to meet me on the dance floor for a boogie!

While standing at the crowded bar waiting to be served I notice for a moment, that I am standing next to the cute-as-a-button Pixie Lott. I wrap my arm around her white silk Dolce & Gabbana blouse and say 'You shouldnt be waiting in queue' and we giggle and introduce ourselves to each other (like she needs an introduction). "I am such a big fan of yours honey you're fabulous" and with that we wait for our drinks together chatting about how cute the girls shoes infront of us are, "Jimmy Choo" she tells us and then Pixie and I chat about upcoming projects , how cute Jason Lewis (aka Smith from SATC) is and plans for the summer! Bless her!

Seema and I , drinks in hand finally rest our legs for a second and met some really cool TV producers and as they complimented Seema's outfit "All thanks to my stylist" I cant help but smile. One thing that means a lot to me is that both of our careers are blossoming and we're experiencing it both together. I was so honoured to be able to share this night with her!

We stop and pose with Dizee Rascal as he walks by. With an entourage to rival J.Lo we manage to get in there and have a bit of a chat with him even, but the queue of girls grew by the second

As the night turns into the early hours of the morning the DJ really hits into overdrive and keeps pumping out non stop tune after tune! At one point I spot supermodels Tolula Adeyemi (rumoured to be the new face of Chanel) and Olivia Inge (Top british supermodel and features in Burberry campaigns) as they attended our Kylie event they immediatley recognise me and come over for hugs kisses and the beginning of a major dancing session. Olivia and I bonded when she walked into the Kylie event with her tag hanging out of her dress I quickly ran up and tucked it in before the paps started snapping "Thanks honey you saved me" she smiled - and there we were reunited at the Glamour awards. Looking fierce in a beige chiffon dress and hot pink Choo's (They're fabulous but dickheads to walk in - her words not mine) Olivia led the group of us to the dance floor as Lady Ga Ga blared through the room. Tolula , looking fabulous in sequins and high waisted shorts grabbed me and as Poker Face cut into Beyonce's 'Sweet Dreams' the three of us were grinding like it was nobody's business and Seema was close by to snap the action!

Note how Glamorously-intoxicated we look hehe trashy while fabulous I call it, but seriously what a crazy moment. I couldnt believe the night I was having and as the music died down, the glamorous crowd makes its way out feeling a lot more drunk & a bit less Glam then we all did on arrival the night comes to an end at the uber-exclusive Mayfair Hotel with the TV exec's and a group of fashions It girls for the "after after party" and a bottle of Vintage Dom later its well and
truly time for this boy to once again hang up his party shoes and get into bed! As I slipped my satin eye mask over my eyes - the sun was due to rise any minute now - I went to bed with a smile on my face. The past 24 hours was one of the most incredible, amazing and surreal expriences of my life and hopefully it was the beginning of things to come. Its funny but it once again makes me feel like things really do happen for a reason, everything seems to fall into place and my fast life in the fashion lane just keeps on getting more fabulous! Cheers to that!
xoxo Deni
WOW! I couldn't stop reading, I couldn't blink! well done, you. You're awesome, living your dreams and I hope you drink in every second of it and just LOVE it!
AHHH OMG! amazing darling! can not stop reading your blog your fabulous! xoxox
ReplyDeleteThankyou both! Glad you enjoy it xxx keep reading!