Not only were we focusing on the event of the night , we were planning a huge event only 10 days away and getting on with the day to day workings of the agency. Phoning stylists, editors pitching our product to be shot in their upcoming stories, it was all starting to make sense to me and the excitement of every confirmed feature that came through was a great rush & a success for the whole team. Before we all knew it we had 3 hours till start time so it was off to the flagship store , where the event was to take place , to start to set up , prepare goody bags and have one final brief. "You've started right in the deep end Denis but I think its exciting" , said Tamara in the spare 5 minutes we had between tasks and I couldnt agree with her more! 10minutes before the estimated arrival of guests I was assigned to be on the door with the list , making sure only those with an invitation got in and no one else. Clipboard in hand there I stood!As the fashion pack started to make their way into the store Seema walked my way and took my breath away - wearing a figure hugging asymetrical printed dress by Lipsy - cinched in at the waist , the color , print and fabric of each panel hit her body in all the right places. Black perforated leather Rika clutch in hand and black peep toe heels on foot she was AH.MA.ZING!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I woke up on Wednesday the 27th of May for my first day as PR Boy! What to wear on my first day was a crucial decision - what to wear on any day of my life is a game of dress ups as you all know , but for days like today I really wanted to pull out the stops. The look I wanted to go for was proffesional but with a cool laidback appraoch. I didnt want to seem too up tight, yet not too casual either and of course it needed to have just the right amount of fashion edge to still be ME!
And so the above developed. My red and black check GSTAR shirt is a very special piece to me. I spent a little bit too much money on it a few years back and bought it for my first visit to the Geelong Cup. Its been a favorite ever since. I chose to style it with a black bow tie - love myself a bow tie for that cute geek-chic-fashion look and i pull out the bow tie for days I want to feel smarter hehe as silly as that sounds it just makes me feel book-worm esque. Paired with my trusty H&M black skinny's (they may be a 10pound pair of high street jeans but they are literally my favorite black skinny's every & dont fade in the wash) and of course added the finishing touches - piles of Cat Hamill beads my Police watch & skull earring. I got my hair cut the day before also (have kept all the length but just had the sides shaved off lovin this look) so I walked out the door with extra pep in my step! The day before I was also gifted with a very much lusted after item that i now cant live without. I've always said when I land my dream job I will need a beautiful diary to remain organised and on schedule in the chicest way possible. Smythson of Bond Street are world knowned for their leather diary's , organizers , notebooks etc They originated on Bond Street in London and are the insiders favorites for logo free , sophisticated high end leather goods (I remember reading that Elle McPherson never leaves her house without hers). So I went into Smythson the Monday before to see how much I was up for. For a beautiful plain black leather (which funnily enough has the same grain treatment as my Prada wallets) Mid year 'Soho Diary' with my name embossed was gonna set me back a steep 170pounds. Unfortunatley I couldnt afford that so I walked out resorting myself to the fact that I'd have to go to Rymans (a stationery store) and get a cheap one. I briefly mentioned the diary to one of my best friends Michelle that night over drinks and the next day over lunch she put the iconic blue Smythson shopper bag on the table and said 'open it' - knowing what was inside I began to cry behind my oversized Dior shades and opened it tearing up at what was inside!
Exactly down to the detail the diary I described to her the night before and she even got my name embossed on the front. Michelle is one of the most amazing people I know and it is because of her that I even am still where I am today. When I was going through the hardest period of my life so far, Michelle took me in and provided me with a sense of inner strength I never knew I had. It is for people like her that I am doing this , I want to make Michelle & my family proud of me and achieve all I can for them. So Smythson in hand 'Denis Todorovic' made his way into the Tamara Kretzer offices and into the world of Fashion PR - officially! The first day was manic to say the least as the following night we had a huge event with Grazia Magazine & our spanish jewellery client TOUS. A luxury jewellery house , TOUS was collaborating with Grazia to launch the new 'Magic Campaign' featuring the face of the brand Kylie Minogue. With less than 24hours till the event was due to begin the office was in overdrive, the phones didnt stop and before I knew it the day was over and that night I was off to visit Seema (my gorgeous TV presenter client who I now officially style) as she was attending tomorrow's Grazia event & I needed to style her up. Supplies in hand after trying on 3 dresses we chose the one that literally made everyones in the room jaw drop (this being me , her best friend, boyfriend and mother). She looked amazing and was totally going to shut it down at the event. I got home that night at 1am after a crazy day of juggling PR BOY & STYLIST Deni and woke up hours later ready for another long one which would include a day at the office , the Grazia event & VIP after party!
Outfit selection for day 2 was based around the fact that I needed a look that would take me straight from the office to the event to the party and always a firm believer in 'its better to be overdressed' thought a tie and waistcoat was perfect for the occasion! The phones were going crazy at the office and over 200 new guests had rsvp'd for their attendance for the event. 
The event was a huge success and PR duties aside everyone was talking about Seema all night. She was 'the girl' - at one point I spotted her talking to the Fashion Editor of Grazia (wearing a gorgeous black jersey dress and Missoni trench coat) and she really commanded attention. "Denis I feel so amazing and everyone keeps telling me how great I look & its all thanks to you" - when I heard those words It was such a proud moment. To make someone feel that good about themself is whats the most rewarding part of styling and I look forward to the many more styling adventures instore for Seema & I to work on (but more on that later...) event over it was time to make our way to the exclusive after party at the uber exclusive hot spot Mo*Vida
(a favorite of many celebs and socialites). We walked down the dark stairway where a flash of fairy lights lead the way to VIP. The room was buzzing full of a cool fashion crowd and friends and family of guests and my team. Alcohol flowing and camera's flashing combined with the music that had us all dancing till 3 in the morning, was the perfect way to reward our hard work!
As I passed out in my bed at 4 that morning I woke up the next morning suprisingly fresh for my last day of the short Week 1 at the new job! and as 8pm Friday night came along (yes late nights at the office are all part of the PR game) I had a moment where I thought 'i've managed to successfully work my first official PR event , successfuly style my first client for the first time & make a really good impression on my boss & work colleages' - "Denis, I am so glad you're part of our team , welcome" and with those words Tamara and I wished each other a good weekend and my life in Fashion PR begun...and there's a whole lot more exciting things about to happen. All that & more updates coming soon xoxo Deni
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