Hey peeps! November has been possibly one of the busiest months of the year for me so I apologise for the lack of posts - so much has happen and i'm not sure quite where to start! It all kicked off about 4 weeks ago when it became apparent that the styling game was really going my way - my boss and dear friend Tamara one evening after work pointed out to me 'Deni if this is where your hearts at then maybe you should follow your dreams...' and with those words and one very sleepless night , I decided that after almost a year of working in Fashion PR , it was time to follow my fashion dreams and take a risk. From as early as I can remember there have been two things i've wanted to do , be a fashion designer and/or work for a fashion magazine. At a young age I didnt really know what that actually meant however over the years I've learned a lot about this industry and working in PR especially has given me an insight to the how the Fashion Magazine world works! Celebrity styling is amazing and lots of fun (and something I will continue to do) however I still remember reading through the first fashion mag I ever bought...

Vogue! Holly Valance was on the front cover and she was wearing a Tom Ford for Gucci Dress , I still have the issue in my cupboard at home. I remember how the main fashion shoots made me feel - they gave me hope , inspiration , they made me fantasise - to make someone else feel that way , to tell a story through fashion would be my dream come true! When I moved to London and started to become familiar with all the UK Glossy's , one stylist stood out to me - Senior Fashion Editor at InStyle Magazine - Natalie Hartley! Before I get into her as a stylist it needs to be said that she is basically the coolest girl in the world - her own personal style is my idea of the way girls should dress , she combines all of my fave elements , vintage , designer & high street urban yet feminine and always does so in a cool "I just threw this on "- effortless way!

I saw Natalie at various points over fashion week and each time would just freeze in awe of her style. I blush at the mere mention of her name and this, my friends is why - when you open a copy of InStyle UK and look at Natalie's shoots , whether its main fashion , a shoe special or jewellery - no one's style is cooler than hers. Her main fashion shoots are like eating a box of chocolates , each page gets better and once you've got to the end you're left craving more! Her styling inspires me beyond words , her pages make me gasp and squeal the way she tells a story through fashion and exudes her vision to the masses is everything I dream of doing - she's basically my fashion hero , if that makes sense? She is to me , what David Beckham is to young athletes! I have various tear cut outs of her work on my wardrobe to inspire me on a daily basis!

So when my directors at TKPR asked me 'Where would you most like to work, who would you most like to assist...' - I immediatley said "Well my dream would be to assist Natalie Hartley at InStyle , she is by far my favorite stylist" and before I knew it emails were exchanged , resume's sent over and a phone call that would give me my foot into the fashion world door , soon followed. 2 Weeks after emailing my CV to Natalie and her assistant , a mere 2 days ago I was offered an internship at InStyle - I could hardly believe this was happening. The publication at the top of my wish list and suddenly it was coming true! I knew it wouldnt be glamorous , I knew it would mostly including sorting through a fashion cupboard full of returns - however I also knew this was my chance to prove myself and get my first shot at what I hope will be a career at a major fashion magazine. I hung up the phone after my chat with InStyle and found myself giggling and skipping down the road like a child! So as I sit here in bed after my first day at InStyle (which I will blog about seperately in a few days once i've gathered all my thoughts) I

take a moment to take in the fact that in just over a year my life has changed 3 times over and I've finally been given a key to the door which may hopefully open my fashion dreams and make them a reality! What i've done to deserve this I'll never know - all I know is the little boy who used to sit in Math class sketching dresses & reading fashion magazines is slowly making his dreams come true! Now I better get to bed , I've got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow and Natalie's in the office which means I really must figure out what I'm going to wear! Wish me luck xoxo Deni
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