Hey Peeps! Now due to technical difficulties I wasn't able to write this post when it happened so we're going to back track a month , to a very exciting day! My clients , electro-pop duo Dead Love Junkies discussed doing a shoot with me a while back which they would use for promotional purposes, for the cover art of their album & also to use on their website. I spent some time gathering inspiration & decided what kind of direction I wanted to go in. In the music industry in this day & age there are so many 'up & coming' bands, singers etc that it can be quite difficult to stand out, no matter how talented you may be. However, when a performer has a distinct look & presence , they tend to get people's attention. Take for example the amazing GaGa , would people continue to be so gaga over gaga if there were no dramatic costumes & theatrics - the girl is talented that goes without saying - but image does make a difference. The boys behind DLJ are extremely talented however I wanted to make them look like the rockstar's they are in their own right. My Inspiration came from various things. People like The Killers , David Bowie, Kanye West - these performers have a look that says 'I'm a Star' combine that element with glamour, futuristic influences & a nod to the Circus & I try & create a unique look for the guys. A look that hopefully makes people go 'These guys are cool, I want to listen to their music!'
check out www.deadlovejunkies.com to hear the boys do what they do best!
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