Hiya Guys, ok so I do have a few adventures to update you all on - but I felt it only necessary to write this post as its happening. Its 12.16, just after midnight on a Monday night & i' m currently stretched out on my new bed - typing away at my laptop - in my new room, in my new flat as I begin a new chapter in my life...and I must say i'm feeling slightly Carrie-Bradshaw-esque!

Getting here was quite difficult, in both an emotional and physical way. Today I woke up with butterflies in my tummy and as I began to lug my enormously overpacked suitcase and overnight bag, the pain began to filter through my arms - it felt like every bone and limb was pulsating as i shuffled my way down to the bus stop. Thankfully getting down and up the stairs on the underground was a piece of cake as a couple of kind strong men helped me get my suitcases down and onto the tube - proving there are nice people in London! I left my suitcase at work and once finished at 5pm I headed to Oxford Circus with my luggage , as only 3 steps away was Kings Cross station - where I now call home. London is broken up into Zones - from 1 - 6.

Basically Zone 1 is the most central and then it goes 2,3,4 etc... The Zone you live in can impact on everything from the cost of travel to the cost of real estate. Kings Cross - lucky for me - is Zone 1, it doesnt get more central than that. Its so close to everything , literally a 5minute journey into work and walking distance to so many great locations. As I got off at Kings Cross with my 35kg luggage (more than half my bodyweight) I thankfully got the lifts to the street level however due to construction was diverted and had to walk the longest possible way to get to my bus stop with the heaviest suitcase in the world - not fun! I finally got on my bus where only 3 stops away , I was dropped off basically at my front door - too convenient! Now the difficult task of lugging my suitcase up 2 flights of stairs to get to the apartments door - lucky for me as I walked in there was yet another kind strong man to help me - bless these englishmen! So round 1 was done and it was then back to get the rest of my stuff - consisting of my 'Prada-back-pack' , my sewing machine and laptop - easy I thought, I was wrong. Not only did my backpack weigh a tonne - the sewing machine was not light and nor was my laptop bag. I walked down the street laughing my head off as literally I was covered in luggage, there was a bag dangling from every limb it seemed like - I definitley got many an interesting look. Getting back to my new home with all of this was difficult to say the least - but I finally done it , rewarded myself with a McFlurry and with the sounds of Drake, Jay Z & Cheryl Cole to keep me company - began to unpack. Everything is now officially organised and in its place and boy what a relief that is! I get my new camera tomorrow (thanks mum) so as soon as I do I will take photo's and do another post so you can see my new setup! Its so strange because I never thought I would be in this situation , this is the first time in my life i've really lived on my own , completely independently - its taken a lot to get to this point and I have no doubt it will be a challenging journey but it will be one that will change my life forever and make me grow as a person and at the end of the day that's what life is all about isnt it? We learn something new about ourselves every day , I feel like i've come so far already, I never realised the true potential I have and how capable I am. Even something as small as moving - all on my own today - no help from friends just me and my baggage - both emotional and literal - but I did it and I'm quietly proud of myself. Dont ever stop believing in yourself people - you may suprise yourself and something tells me the suprises wont stop here xoxo Deni
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