We also made a snow man , this time accesorised with ear muffs/head phones , scarf & a bag too!
...and we both fell in the depths of the white white snow , many times , laughing every second!
...and this was the glorious view from the top of Greenwich Hill you can see the buildings of Canary Wharf (the business district) in the background and on a clear day you can even see St.Paul's Cathedral. The air was so fresh and crisp and it was just a lovely reward for my climb.
...after my adventures in Greenwich I went to meet Benny as he finished work. We walked through Selfridges where Ben spotted Jamie Oliver shopping in the book section - I didnt even noticeand was kicking myself for it , I actually walked back to go find him but he had already gone! We then went for a walk through Hyde Park and by this stage of the day the temperatures were really dropping. As we got into Hyde Park we noticed the Serpentine (lake - which runs through the park) had frozen over. We decided to go check it out , Ben tipped his toe on the ice and it shattered a little bit to reveal water. Not as frozen as we thought. When we got around to the other side of the lake I thought "Oh wait now its my turn to go check it out". Now I'm going to try describe this as best as I can in words. We both walked over the the lake where there was a slight step down , the step down was icy and slippery and just as I raised my leg to tip the ice Ben and I both slipped , literally almost slipping into the frozen lake , we somehow regained balancce and got back up onto dry-ish land and burst into what felt like 20minutes of i-almost-peed-my-pants laughter. I was actually crying from how much I was laughing at the situation , it could have been quite dangerous but wasnt an for that I was greatful. All in all a hilarious end to my glorious day! I leave you with this picture of the Serpentine at Sunset. Stunning xoxo Deni