Hiya all of those residing in the down under! Today marks the official weeks end of my Diet Coke Detox - its been a long week since my beloved DC has entered my body and funnily enough i've survived. It may sound trivial but I actually really didnt think I would last , not only have I lasted I think I may have found a new calling - juice. Its good for you and if you find the right kind , tastes amazing and perhaps Diet Coke will just become an occasional indulgence for eg. eating most kinds of junk food , pizza , taco's , kebabs , burgers etc... for the most part however I feel I should stick to juice and soon integrate water into my hydration-regime! So the weekend has quickly come and gone. Yesterday Shane and I headed into Camden Town to go through the Camden Markets. I've decided that for my birthday I want to get a new tattoo on my left wrist (as I already have my righ wrist tattoed) with the word 'beleive' or 'I do beleive' written acrossed my wrist so while we were in Camden (full of tattoist and body peircers) and we happened to find a parlour that I think will definitley be doing my new tattoo - you can see it in the picture below its called 'Evil in the Needle' , the name scared me at first put the studio is so nice and clean and just quirky enough as a tattoo parlour should be. I began to have a look through their portfolio and I was immediatley impressed, the work they do is amazing!

It was quite a fun afternoon and I had the absolute yummiest (is that a word-i dont know-i dont care) Salt & Pepper Chicken from an Asian food stand! It was incredible and for the first time in 6 days I had some form of Soft Drink - 7up! Last night I had a quite night in with Shane (ben was working late) and for the first time in my life (after I coloured Shane's hair) - I put some highlights in my own hair. Now I always get my color done proffesionally , I swear against doing it at home , but in true 'recessionista' style I thought - what have I got too lose , if I stuff it up I'll just get it fixed. I wanted a few random blonde streaks to add to the few blonde streaks I have left and the end result was quite successful. Some bits are blonder than others but its all fun :)

So there you go I think I did pretty ok! Currently I'm watching a Beyonce/Jay Z mash up on telly before I get ready to go and work a night shift at Diesel. Yes - you read right - a night shift! From 9pm to 6am - we have to pack up old sale stock and send it to the warehouse. It could potentially be a fun night , I always have fun with the girls at work , we'll just blare some hip hop tunes and the music should get us through :) Bye for now all my readers xoxo Deni
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