Hiya guys! So on Wednesday , Ben and I both had a day off and with the previous nights forecast of up to 10cms of snow fall I really wanted to go a little out of London to see where all the snow was at. So it was off to Hampstead Heath , a location I still havent visited. Hampstead Heath is North London , and its Hampstead Heath Park and Parliament Hill are often pidgen holed as a 'gay area' sure there is a gay community in the 'Heath but it is also a very posh , sophisticated kind of area and I could see as soon as I got there why anyone , gay or straight would want to live there its positively beautiful! As soon as we walked out of the tube station we were blinded by the white blanket of snow already covering the streets , queue then slippery stumbling.

It is very difficult to walk on icy , slippery , slushy , foot paths let me tell you! I was actually ok, I had my Volleys on to provide me with sufficient grip. Ben however in his sexy pointy nightclub shoes I bought him from ZU , not quite as much grip. It was straight to Starbucks for coffee...

...and then it was time to walk up to Hampstead Heath. Walking through the streets lined with amazing houses/units/flats - it became quite apparent that a. yes hampstead heath is a gorgeous sophisticated posh-esque area and b. man its snowed a hell of a lot last night!

Ben was loving the mischeivousness the snow sparked and everytime we walked passed a big tree he would run up and push it so that all the snow on the branches would fall on me as I walked underneath the tree - thanks babe! I made up for it with my lovely snow fight skills!

Once we finally got to Hampstead Heath , the amount of snow that covered the park and hills , was overwhelming. It literally felt like we had walked into some kind of a movie set in the snowy forest. Think like the Chronicles of Narnia. It was breathakingly beautiful!

The snow really was very deep , 10cms at the very least , possibly 15 Ben estimated. The atmosphere was beautiful also, on 'snow days' especially if the snow is this heavy many residents of London dont go into work and most chidren's schools are closed (so there's an excuse for the parents to not go into work) so the 'Heath was filled with the laughter of playful children tuboganning with their parents or making snow men and their parents having equally as much fun. There was a lot of dog walkers taking their dogs out for a play , and even me who is scared of dogs as im sure all my readers are aware , was kind of ok with all the dogs being around - kinda being the key word there hehe. It was funny coz at moment snow would fall and you'd have to wipe snow out of your eyes, but nothing could take away from how happy Ben and I were about this snow day , we were the children running around having snow fights.

We also made a snow man , this time accesorised with ear muffs/head phones , scarf & a bag too!
...and we both fell in the depths of the white white snow , many times , laughing every second!

By the end of it all our feet were very wet , snow turns into water remember , yes you seem to learn this when your socks are all wet and slushy - we planned on going home getting change and then heading into the West End for a bit of a shop around but by the time we got home we also learnt that playing in the snow for hours like little kids makes two grown ups very tired! So we just spent the rest of our day in the warmth of heating watching movies and every so often I would look at Ben and think , 'its nice to have a boyfriend you can just play kids & have fun with'

...and that is all for now you guys. Until next time xoxo Deni
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