Hiya guys! Its been another crazy and hectic week in the life of me in the city of London. The past week has been incredibly over consumed by work. As our sale period at Diesel has ended we had the task of getting all our sale stocking ready to be shipped and sent out to the Diesel warehouse. It sounds more simple than it really is. Our store is huge and we had so much stock to sort through - so on Sunday evening I did an overnight shift with 4 of the Diesel girls. Starting at 9pm and finishing at 6am. I began my overnight with a Venti (giant) Starbucks with 3 shots of coffee in it and as soon as we blasted some ghetto tunes the night was on! At 2am we hopped into Samantha's (our stockroom manager) car and headed out to Edgeware Road , almost full of arabic and turkish restaurants , to get some 2am Kebabs into us to keep us fuelled for the next few hours to come. It was at this point that I had my first sip of Diet Coke in a whole week - and my first reaction was - man this is sweet (as in sugar) I could really taste the artifical sweetener , however it was very good. As I made my way home at 6am exhausted , I slept for a few hours then woke up to spend the day with Ben as we both had Monday off. We hopped on the tube and set out to Oxford Circus as Ben wanted to get his hair cut. We went to the Toni & Guy salon...
...just around the corner from Topshop on Oxford Circus and I must say the end result was amazing - Ben's hair looks H to the O.T - HOT! Whilst in topshop earlier in the day Ben managed to score some awesome sale buys , he got a pair of Ksubi jeans and a Ksubi tee for the grand total of 80pounds! These items full price back home would have cost him 3 times the amount - so that was clearly an amazing purchase! The following days of the week consisted of mostly 12 to 15 hour shifts at work as we continued to box up goods to be sent out to Diesel Italy. On Thursday night after seriously the longest shift of my life - 8am till 11.30 pm - Michelle, Bonnie and I went to the pub up the road for a nice cold pint of Stella! I can not beleive that after almost 22 years of life I have finally come to appreciate a nice cold beer! I enjoyed ever sip of the amazing lager!

Ben came to join us after he had finished work so before he got there I ordered him a pint, however 5minutes before Ben's arrival and the pub owner was kicking everyone out of the pub 'time to close guys' - fuck this , I thought , Ben hasnt drank his beer , so Michelle and I scurried out of the pub PINT IN HAND ready to meet Ben down the road with his beer - the pint now sits on my bed side table hehe On Friday Ben and I had another day off together and we went out to the Nunhed Cemetary , about a half an hour - 40 minute walk from where we live , to get some photography done. Nunhed's one of 6 of the oldest cemetery's in London and I must say it was quite cool. Nothing compared to the amazing cemetery's of Paris & Edinburgh , but still a very cool place with an old church still planted in the middle - the roof is missing but its all there.

Friday evening Ben and I went for a walk through the West End and then into Soho for Japanese. We've managed to find the most amazing underground Japanese restaurant and the food is truly scrumptous! Saturday had finally come around and on Saturday night we had orgainsed a 'Diesel Night Out' at one of my favorite London hotspots 'Taman Gang'. As I havent been out in a while an 'amazing wardrobe moment' needed to occur. Now lately I have been watching a lot of Star Trek (yes Ben has converted me) and I have been so inspired by all the costumes - all of which feature shoulder pads. They just ooze confidence and power and authority and I wanted that element of cool and in control - not to mention one of my favorite labels 'Balmain' is all about the shoulder pad. As mens-fashion-on-a-budget isnt quite that adventrous , I decided to take matters into my own hands. So I bought 8 shoulder pads , layered them four-high and hey-presto I had two shoulder pads that with double sided tape I could slip into jumpers , tee's and jackets all season and totally rock my Star-Trek-meets-Balmain look. My outfit for the evening was a black and white striped jumper from brand Jack London , a white tee , skinny jeans and said-shoulder pads - this was the end result - I was quite pleased...
...the night awaited and oh what a night it was. Combine a great group of people , an amazing club, amazing music and loads of Belvedere Vodka and you have yourself an amazing night!
As always my gorgeous girls Charlotte & Rachel Lubin rocked their feirce fashionista looks and their friend Em has just had her fringe cut and is lookin too cute. All my Diesel peeps - who have really become like my substitute family over here - rocked their booties on the d-floor and we all left with many a laugh. This week a few exciting things are happening , today esepecially I have a possibly life-career-changing meeting/interview , but I dont wanna say too much until I have the full details and I can describe it all in true Deni style...I have to go figure out what to wear now which will be a task , but I will keep you all posted as soon as I know specifics. Love you all xoxo Deni
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