Hiya guys! So I've finally managed to scrape some time together to update you on DDAY. Last Thursday , I was lucky enough to be chosen to attend DIESEL'S D-DAY! Basically at DDAY most of the people from head office , eg. buyers , visual merchandise directors , regional managers etc... then all the store managers throughout the UK attend and they are also allowed to select members of staff they think will benefit most from the day as its a presentation of our new collection and then we have to relay it back to all the staff back at the store. I , as Female Denim Guru was chosen to go along with Male Denim guru Paul and our new Diesel family member Gabriele and also our awesome VM Marco. During the day would be the presentation and then of the evening was a black tie award ceremony and after party. Without really knowing what to expect I arrived at Angel - a place of London I havent yet been to , in my BE STUPID tee and Diesel jeans. BE STUPID is Diesel's latest campaign and basically what it represents is those who are stupid are the ones who take risks and chances and get far in life. Here's the teams arrival...

Running with the theme of BE STUPID the whole venue was decked out in the campaigns slogans as well as STUPID props (like a giant inflatable elephant - which represents one of the campaign images). As it all began we got a bit snap happy with the BE STUPID wall :)

The presentation , in direct reflection of the campaign was slightly Stupid! The projector screen was placed on the roof and we had to view it whilst 'sitting' (laying) down on the floor...it was quite effective , quite funny and apart from the fact that my back was frozen it was quite cool!

Throughout the presentation I learnt a few interesting things about the Diesel history and how Renzo was 'Stupid' and thats what made him succesful. For example Diesel is the first fashion brand to ever create a website-shop online at a time when this was frowned upon by the fashion industry...stupid it may have seemed but incredibly forward thinking! Following the presentation we were taken upstairs to be shown the new collection for SS10 and then it was time for lunch - all provided and catered for - easy peezy! After lunch it was time for our 'SEX SELLS' lesson , which is also another part of our new Ad Campaign. To present the lesson Head Office hired a 'dominatrix'. It was quite the success and really effective. She was so cool!

After the presentation I immediatley ran up and introduced myself to her as I was so fascinated and we had a really good chat and I found out she designed and made all her own latex costumes and had her own latex couture-fashion label. Her stuff is pretty impressive its called - Jane Doe.
I was so in awe of how high her heels were and how she could even walk in them. I had to stand on an upside down bin to actually reach her height! It was quite funny but she was so lovely!

Next up was our coffee break followed by a moment I wont soon forget , I was standing in line for my coffee when news broke that Alexander McQueen had hung himself that morning. I literally froze and my post on his passing goes into more detail , but for the next half an hour I was almost speechless and just couldnt explain how sad I felt. Michelle & Bonnie gathered around me with hugs as they knew how much I looked up to him. Messages from friends started flowing through as most of my friends knew he really was my biggest inspiration. The afternoons final task - little did I know - was about to get my mind off things. In theme of the BE STUPID campaign we were split up into groups of stores combined , given 200 pounds , 2 hours and a digital camera , to go out into the streets of London and shoot our own BE STUPID campaign. Which would then be judged and awarded at the evenings awards ceremony. Our group came up with a few ideas and our best one - which may I add was my idea - was to have me and one of the girls hitch hike down a high street in underwear. This was the original plan that then flourished - our location was Camden Town High Street , directly underneath a massive BE STUPID billboard that is currently there on display. We then bought a box and some permanent marker and wrote 'PICK UP STUPID' in bold letters. I decided to cover my jocks with the box sign so it looked like I was truly naked. I left my socks on and the group insisted I wear Michelle's funny sunnie's (very dame edna-esque) and then the pictures followed...

not only was it Stupid , it was freezing cold , but it will remain one of the bravest , stupidest , funniest things I've ever done and I loved every second of it. Life is too short - so why not live it up - I say & I'm all for Renzo's Diesel attitude , its the stupid ones who live life to the full. You know whats stupid , getting on a plane and coming to London at 21 with not really enough money , taking out a loan , never even considering what if something goes wrong , stupid it may be , but look where its got me , look at the doors and opportunities its opened - BE STUPID I say! Ad Campaign all shot it was time to head back to Michelle's and get ready for the soiree. Black Tie - we did not let you down , I think our BOND STREET team scrubbed up very nicely!

We sat at our circle table , close to the front and Diesel had really gone all out , we all felt like we were at a proper award ceremony , the Golden Globes on a budget perhaps hehe the 3 course meal was amazing. An entree of italian cheeses , salami , ham , stuffed olives , tomato and bread followed by a bocconcini and sun dried tomato salad with Lasagna as the main and Tiramisu as the dessert! White wine flowed through the evening and the food really was delicious!

To top the evening off , I won the award for BEST MALE ACT for the Be Stupid task and team member Nat won BEST FEMALE ACT. Here I am accepting my award , it was quite funny!

I've never won an award, trophy or medal in my life so I was a little bit excited hehe The party followed where we danced to Michael Jackson , drank & I chatted to the DJ whilst tryin to spin.

Much dancing , drinking and laughter was had and new friends were made & I left around 12ish as I had to wake up for another day as the intern the following morning , so quite an early one but all in all a fantastic day and evening had by all and an unforgettable experience! xoxo Deni
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