I woke up on Friday - Day 3 of my internship - still mourning McQueens tragic death and felt the need to commemorate my hero designer...the pictures a bit distorted but I opted for a black shirt and skinny jeans combo with a studded belt and my McQueen scarf tied around my collar!

I stepped into the office nice and early to be greeted by Thanos and Rach '...aw you're wearing McQueen Bless you' they said almost in unison and then we had a bit of a chat about the tragedy as Thanos' partner is a fashion editor and was in the same class as Alexander McQueen at Central Saint Martins College - so it was a loss very close to their hearts. However as they say the show must go on , building up to fashion week our office was busier than ever! A couple of hours of booking in and out came and went and before I knew it I was packing a box of 4 pairs of shoes by one of our spanish shoe designers Pedro Garcia , to send personally to none other than the famous Shakira! It was such a trip I am a huge Shakira fan and Ben even more so so it was...

...particulary cool to be doing this little errand for such a wonderful artist! Here are one of the pairs we sent to Shakira worn here by - gasp - Sarah Jessica Parker. These ankle boots are hot!

Finally after days of anticipation most of our invitations for fashion week had started to come through , which meant they all needed to be sorted , stuffed into envelopes and organised into piles of where they're going and who they're going to. A menial task perhaps but I couldnt help but smiling as I stuck labels on envelopes addressed to 'Victoria Beckham' and 'Kate Moss'. This is the thing about internships , sometimes you may be given a relatively boring task , but as they say 'when life gives you lemons you make lemonade' i'm trying to make the most out of every experience , to learn and grow in every way I can and earn the respect of my co-workers and bosses alike, I want a career in fashion so much and if it means stamping 500 envelopes then so be it! the day , as most days do at Goodley , went incredibly fast and before I realised it was 7.15pm! Rachel had stayed back as late as me also and she invited me to have dinner with her and Charlotte. Since I havent seen Char in quite a while I jumped at the chance to catch up over dinner with the Lubin Lovelies. We got Chou from Diesel & off we went into Carnaby to eat at the uber cool trendy american style eatery called 'THE DINER', kind of like the one Ben and I have been to a few times in Soho. There was a 20minute wait to get in but it was well worth it...

I tucked into a hearty bacon & beef cheese burger with fries , while Rach munched on a Chicken Burrito and Chou had some Mac & Cheese...we all shared some caeasar salad as we gossiped about Alexa Chung and Drake's album...I did find something interesting out however. Rachel was talking to me about the office and mentioned to me that our boss , Kara , said to Rachel "Rachel , who is that boy? I like him" ...a small sentence perhaps , but to be noticed by this woman was a huge deal for me and I need to keep doing what i'm doing to get her attention , recognition and respect. That was it for my friday , it was home to bed for some R&R for the next busy 12-or so days! xoxo Deni
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