The show came to a close with a roaring applause as shy Holly came out the end for a wave. I ran back stage to congratulate her on an amazing show and was truly still blown away by every look. Seeing them upclose backstage , made me even more in awe of her magical fashion fantasy! Keep your eyes peeled for Holly Fulton as you'll all be seeing her dresses in the new Sex and the City Movie as Carrie Bradshaw wears a Holly Fulton dress (whether or not more than 1 dress is featured i'm not sure but keep your eyes open for HF in SATC2) I walked around the room , thanking guests for attending , I noticed a couple in the front row with tears in their eyes , when I looked closely this couple , whom Holly had kissed at the end of her show , were Holly's parents. Seeing how proud they were of their daughters acheivments made me a bit emotional and put a tear in my eye , at the end of the day everything I do , I do it for my parents , their support is overwhelming and I just hope that one day I will make them equally as proud! Day 2 had ended on a high note and as I walked out of Somerset House into the London night I couldnt help but smile at the thought of what my fashion future has instore for me. xoxo Deni
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Day Two was shaping up to a huge day - and I was still hopping off Cloud 9 from the night before's introduction to London Fashion Week. As I arrived at Somerset House on the Saturday , it was an oddly sunny day for a London winter and nice to be able to put our sunglasses on as we strode towards reception. We had to go to reception and register ourselves so that we would secure passes to come in and out of Somerset House (LFW's official Headquarters) for the week.
Pass around neck and it was off upstairs to the 'Portico Rooms' on a second floor - soon to be my second home for the next few days - for the Louise Gray show. The LG show was not a runway show but more of a presentation. A chance for the buyers , editors and fashionistas alike to see the clothes close up , interact with the models and chat to Louise on a more personal level. Louise is a short fiery scottish woman living in East London and very much eminates the east-london-eclectic-girl vibe. Her clothes are very arty and playful , full of color and this season inspired by patchwork quilting , fur and the like. I started to help out as much as I could and before I knew it I was folding up the look books that needed to be handing out and watching as the 'mini-Louise-Gray' interns were following her every order. Its funny how staff mimick their bosses/co-workers. The Rika assistants were all stylish-chic mini Rika's and Louise's girls were all eclectic artsy-east london types. How ironic. Backstage was quite calm & different to a show!
As Kara walked in this morning her colourful hot fuschia with yellow printed Louise Gray dress layered perfectly under her fur made my eyes pop out of my head. I become more in awe of her as each day goes by. She entrusted me with the duty of standing at the front door with the ever important list to check people off as they were coming in for the presentation. Here I am standing in the days attire of my trusty H&M skinny's , a grey short sleeve shirt I picked up back home for super cheap at Target and a Diesel Black Gold suspenders/waistcoat type thing , worth more than all the clothes in my outfit combined however the high-low mix works!
Being at front of house for most of the presentation - as guests were coming and going over the course of a 2 hour period , I didnt get to see much of the presentation , but I did manage to pop in for 5 minutes , long enough to see Louise Gray (after a costume change) talking to her guests...
After the Louise show was done we all breathed a sigh of relief and decided that in the 40minutes spare we had it was time to get some food into our system. Now let me make one thing clear about fashion week - you are so busy and constantly on the go , some days travelling from 2 to 3 locations working just as many shows that your eating habits/diet are completely out of wack. I would best describe my fashion week food intake as - eating tiny bits of crap throughout the day - please queue a packet of HARIBO 'Fangtasia' lollies which became energy supplements at Felder Felder. Triple Choc Cookies - 1 pound from Sainsburys - were a constant source of engergy over the entire course of Fashion Week and food options included Tesco's , Sainsbury's , Pret and Iceland - did someone say fashion is glamorous? As Jane , Rachel , Sarah and I walked over to the closest Pret , our eyes possibly hungrier than our stomachs we dove for sandwiches , bags of crisps , Diet Coke (yes its back - for fashion week at least) and I made a mad dash for Tesco's for some well deserved Chocolate Cookies. Stomach's full we headed back to the Portico Rooms for our next show - one I was very excited about as she is one of my new favorite designers - HOLLY FULTON! It was enough for me to arrive Backstage to see a floor filled of studded Christian Louboutin trainers - the same trainers I've been lusting over for months and had my name on the waiting list for - after having to cancel - pure wow factor!
We set up the benches - or at least supervised the men do the heavy lefting - and had put press releases and bottles of Evian down for VIPs and before I knew it Sarah and I were at the door checking people off our lists. it soon became apparent , that this was one of the hottest tickets of fashion week. Everyone wanted to be at this show! Holly has had quite a strong public reaction and a lot of press lately so it was any wonder that people were clamouring to be at her show! Guests were in and the doors shut and I quickly secured myself prime position for photographs. The music began as the show was many times here the phrase 'A Fashion Moment' - when french fashion house received 'Decarnin's Rejuvenation' as he sent shoulder pads & studs down the runway this was a fashion moment. When Alexander McQueen sent 30cm high boots , so high they were made almost against the law to sell , down the runway - that was a fashion moment. Well at the Autumn/Winter Holly Fulton show , I experience a fashion moment. Its unmistakable, you can feel the buzz in the air as thick as smog. Everyone at the edge of their seats, me squealing at almost every look that came down the runway and the crowd cheering for Holly as she came out at the end of her show , these are all perfect signs of a fashion moment. Her signature - now iconic - digital prints had me salivating at the mouth. Inspired by an urban city girl from an ambiguos metropolis based on New York , she worked on themes of city scapes , the telephone and her collaboration with Swarovski was evident as ever in all the beatifully Swarovski encrusted embellishment. I wish I could put every look down but of the collection here are some of my favorites. This spearmint printed top and phone printed jeans are pure fun!
These almost tribal inspired black and white printed skinny jeans will actually grace my legs once they hit stores no matter what the pricetag - and I love that she's teamed them with my favorite Louboutins - too fabulous for words now really isnt it - I would wear with a white tee!
The way the following top shimmered when the light hit the crystals , paired with these fantastical printed leggings , had me smiling from ear to ear and literally squealing with glee!
The below oversized orange printed parka actually left me breathless - I need it right now Holly!
...the Finale dress - which i've named Little Miss Sunshine - is just a ray of glistening sunshine that sparkles in every wich way. I love the way Holly colour blocks her looks as the show progressed from greeny-blue hues , into black and white followed by orange & then finished off with yellow. This dress is going to be on the hitlist of every celeb in London & beyond!!!
The show came to a close with a roaring applause as shy Holly came out the end for a wave. I ran back stage to congratulate her on an amazing show and was truly still blown away by every look. Seeing them upclose backstage , made me even more in awe of her magical fashion fantasy! Keep your eyes peeled for Holly Fulton as you'll all be seeing her dresses in the new Sex and the City Movie as Carrie Bradshaw wears a Holly Fulton dress (whether or not more than 1 dress is featured i'm not sure but keep your eyes open for HF in SATC2) I walked around the room , thanking guests for attending , I noticed a couple in the front row with tears in their eyes , when I looked closely this couple , whom Holly had kissed at the end of her show , were Holly's parents. Seeing how proud they were of their daughters acheivments made me a bit emotional and put a tear in my eye , at the end of the day everything I do , I do it for my parents , their support is overwhelming and I just hope that one day I will make them equally as proud! Day 2 had ended on a high note and as I walked out of Somerset House into the London night I couldnt help but smile at the thought of what my fashion future has instore for me. xoxo Deni
The show came to a close with a roaring applause as shy Holly came out the end for a wave. I ran back stage to congratulate her on an amazing show and was truly still blown away by every look. Seeing them upclose backstage , made me even more in awe of her magical fashion fantasy! Keep your eyes peeled for Holly Fulton as you'll all be seeing her dresses in the new Sex and the City Movie as Carrie Bradshaw wears a Holly Fulton dress (whether or not more than 1 dress is featured i'm not sure but keep your eyes open for HF in SATC2) I walked around the room , thanking guests for attending , I noticed a couple in the front row with tears in their eyes , when I looked closely this couple , whom Holly had kissed at the end of her show , were Holly's parents. Seeing how proud they were of their daughters acheivments made me a bit emotional and put a tear in my eye , at the end of the day everything I do , I do it for my parents , their support is overwhelming and I just hope that one day I will make them equally as proud! Day 2 had ended on a high note and as I walked out of Somerset House into the London night I couldnt help but smile at the thought of what my fashion future has instore for me. xoxo Deni
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