Greeting you all with a big Hiya from the cold city of London! So yesterday's forecast was a low of -2 and a top of 3. I couldnt even begin to fathom how cold it would actually be! My alarm went off at 5.45 am - yes i'm serious , on my day off - to wake me up to go to the Diesel sample sale. It started at 8 but apparently the qeues would be a nightmare so a few of us from work decided to go early as to try get a good place in line. As I walked to the tube station I literally couldnt beleive how cold it was and of course I forgot my scarf (one of the three I have hanging off my wardrobe door). Once I had got off at my destination 'Kings Cross' station I waited in the freezing cold where I found Marco our Visual Merchandiser at work. We ran to the Macca's across the road to get some breakfast and started to walk to Diesel's head office. It was still dark and the time was around 7.20. When we got there , only 4 people stood in queue , well this shouldnt be too difficult then. To explain in short the next 40minutes were pure agony. Have you ever been so cold your whole body goes numb , you cant feel your toes and you unconcieously hunch over turning your body into itself to try retain as much warmth as possible. That's how cold it was. It started to snow lightly as we waited in line and that managed to put a smile on my face. Once let in to the mayhem that is a sample sale I took my plastic crate and went in hunt of some cool peices. Unfortunatley for both Ben and I , neither one of us are sample size for jeans , but Im stubborn and I wanted to find some cool peices - and that I did. I've been on the hunt for a warm winter coat for some time , as you all know , and there hanging on the rack was a waxed denim - almost leather look , parka that just screamed my name and practically jumped off the rail and onto my back. It fit perfectly and sat just the right amount of oversized to give it that cool edgy down-town-new-york-marc-jacobs-esque look , with an original retail of 200pounds and a sample sale price of 15pounds I couldnt say no. Even high street jackets (H&M, Topman etc) aren't this cheap and this is a good quality jacket.

The item du'jour however was a pair of limited edition Diesel Denim Gallery (their most premium line) black jeans with leather panel-detailing. They were just the right amount of biker-style rock - a look i've been trying to get Ben into recently , and thought they'd be the perfect introductory peice and I mean they are just a work of art. Diesel Denim Gallery peices are all crafted by hand in Italy with the utmost precision , at a retail of 485pounds (yes thats almost $1000 aussie) I got them for a mere 12pounds & they were the right size. Perfect.

I picked up a few other peices and was out the door to avoid any more mayhem. I guess it was worth freezing my ass for as in hindsight I had just altogether got 985pounds worth of gear for 44pounds! Ca-ra-zy! It was now off to do some Christmas shopping for Benny. I hopped on the tube to get to Knightsbridge as I needed to go to Harvey Nichols - now before you think I'm totally revealing it all , you'll soon read that later that day Ben gave me an early xmas present so I too then gave him one of his presents early - so off to Harvey Nich's to purchase an Alexander McQueen tee shirt from the new collection that Ben fell in love with last week. Both Ben & I are slightly obsessed with McQueen at the moment , his collections just have us in a frenzy. Suffice to say I managed to get the only Medium they had in this awesome skull print new collection tee

How cool is it! So Alexander McQueen tee all purchased it was off to purchase another couple presents (I cant mention) and then off to meet Ben. I told him I'd wait at his work at 2pm (his finishing time) but he asked me to give him 20minutes as he had a purchase to make...ooh secretive much? He told me to meet him on Bond Street and as I walked up to him there he was crossing the street , looking ever so smart and suave in his london-boy trench coat , grin on his face and Alexander McQueen shopper bang dangling from his hands 'hrmm...what is this' I thought. "You get one of your xmas presents early" , so there I was standing on Bond St , I found a little door way to step into for a bit of privacy. As I opened the oh-so-pretty-packaged little grey box the object of my affection lay inside - an Alexander McQueen scarf in black & red (for those of you who know me well you'll know red is my favorite colour). I was speechless for a moment , I've wanted one of these for nearly 2 years now , before I knew it I was crying and I gave Ben a kiss and said thankyou. I put it on immediatley and did a little happy skip up Bond St

So after a stroll around the city & into Selfridges it was off to the place we call home - Brixton. That night I had a dinner date with my manager-friend Michelle and her twin Donna affectionatley called by me 'the-ginger-olsens'. I chose to wear Vintage Versace combined with my new McQueen scarf for the occasion with my new coat to keep me warm against the cold. We walked along up to Soho arms linked laughing quite frequently along the way, originally I was going to take them to a cool Japanese restaurant Ben took me but qe kind of got lost and then ended up accidentally finding the coolest american-style diner that was really funky and boasted a menu full of comfort food! We tucked into chicken wings & bbq ribs for starters followed by american style hot dogs , chunky fries washed down with Diet Coke , Cosmopolitans & Beer.
It was a really fun night of extremley yum food and lots of great conversation and stitches of laughter , I mean stitches , cant breathe , banging on the table laughter! Thanks girls xoxo Deni
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