*Warning - this is quite a long post so perhaps make yourself a coffee, pour yourself a glass of Diet Coke or fetch a bottle of Wine and relish...Hiya! So I've had a very lovely two days off and quite eventful they have been :) So yesterday Ben & I both had a day off together so we headed off into Central London so Ben could finish off some last minute Christmas shopping. The second we got out the house we were aware of how cold it really has become here in London , temperatures plummeting to minus degree weather so its been quite the climate shift (boy and we used to think geelong was cold), so off into town we went. First we stopped off at Selfridges to get a few bits and peices and when we came outside it started to rain. Now my poor old ZU boots , also knows as my favorite boots in the entire world , are starting to fall apart , I refuse to throw them out and have had them re-glued many times over but today came the reality that when water had sunken through my socks and in between my toes that they may have had their last walkabout. In the freezing cold all we wanted was somewhere warm & cosy to go and get some grub , so I had a flashbulb moment and decided to take Ben to the american-style diner I went to in Soho with the twins a few nights previous. We sat in our yellow leather booth (I love the decor of this place its so cool very black and yellow) and placed our orders , this time I thought i'd order a Mexican Chilli Dog (as did Ben)

...it was amazing! Can I just say if anyone is coming to London anytime soon they must eat here , the Diner is called Profile & is in Soho on the main street , so easy to find , its so yum! Next time i'll have to try their burgers I think. So after lunch & some rather intellectual conversation we headed out into the...oh my god is it...yes it is...MORE SNOW! We hopped in the snow giddy as school kids. As we got around the corner and over to Picaddily Circus it was pouring snow!

Once we got off the tube at Brixton it was snow on a whole new level. We couldnt stop smiling , its a new thing also to get used to walking on snowy-mushy pavement , we both kind of giggled at eachother and exlaimed how we felt like dick heads not really knowing how to walk.

Once we got up to Shakespeare Road (just around the corner from our house) without a word uttered we both began to pick up snow and have snow ball fights. The snow was freezing in our bare hands but it didnt matter and we played this game the whole way home like two five year olds. It was a memory I'll treasure forever! So fun! We got home dumped all our bags in our room and headed around the back of the flats with the girls where we continued to have more snowball fights. We also made a snowman , how cute is he I wonder if he looks like Ben or I hehe

I styled him up in my beanie and McQueen scarf for photographic purposes only hehe and then we did something I think everyone wants to do at some stage in their life - make snow angels :)

It was a very good night :) Today I woke up early to get ready for some vintage-window shopping. I havent been back to 'One of a Kind' in a while and also didnt really get a chance to explore Portobello Road as much as I would have liked to last time around so I rugged up for the cold outside. I got off at Notting Hill gate so that I could begin at the start of Portobello Road.

I first went into this really cool vintage store that was made up of four mini stores all lined up next to eachother but all the same store (if that makes sense) the first was like an op-shop (or as they call them here charity stores) the second sold jewellery , the third had a small range of designer goods and then the 4th was a much larger store full to the brim of second hand & vintage designer peices. Everything from Alexander McQueen shoes to vintage Hermes.

I carried off further into Portobello Road where I found the colorful flats & stores in the distance extremley cheery on this cold winter's day. Its amazing how a splash of color makes us smile...
Hanging up behind me are a pair of Vintage Versace Pink PVC thigh-high boots , how cool I could so see them on a Carrie Bradshaw , she'd pair them with black tights a little black dress and a big pink flower pinned on her dress. Too fab! I rushed out of One of a Kind before I was too heartbroken over my unavailability of purchase and comforted myself with some fresh hot tomato soup and bread going for 2pounds at one of the market stalls. As I walked back towards Notting Hill I approached a very familiar face. Dressed in a black trench coat , grey jeans , black leather shoes , and small-ish round Ray Ban sunglasses it was quite clear that the character infront of me was in fact Hugh Grant , I stopped in my tracks to do a double take and realised 'OH MY GOD IT REALLY IS FUCKING HUGH GRANT ... AND IM IN NOTTING HILL - HOW CORNY' it was so surreal. Strolling along with a paper in one hand and a Starbucks in the other he was very normal , no one seemed to make a fuss and I think he thought his 'Sunglasses' tactic wouldn't get him noticed but I could spot a celebrity in a snow storm! I was rather tempted to stop him but thought 'No let him enjoy his afternoon just as i've enjoyed mine'.

With a grin on my face it was off to Kensington High Street to do some more window shopping and whilst in H&M some impromptu styling-come-photo-shoot. I've created a new album on my facebook displaying photo's of me trying things on in the change rooms. I often love to just walk in a store and say 'Ok Let's style a look' and depending on whats inspiring me at that moment in time I will go for it, choose my peices, head to the change rooms and snap away. I was inspired by a few things today. I've been watching lots of video clips lately mostly by edgy R&B singers such as Rihanna, Cheryl Cole, Ke$ha & Kanye West. I love that 'I dont give a fuck I'm a strong bad ass' attitude they all display in the way they dress. I was also inspired by the taxidermy I saw today and the amount of vintage fur I saw the add a little fur to my look. I personally think with the right amount of confidence a guy can definitley pull of fur! I call my look urban warrior.

It contains a basic v neck white tee paired with these legging style jogging trousers with gold piping on the pockets and down the leg (which is very complimentary to by short legs as they appear longer) I then threw on the fur stole layered with a black hooded scarf to add a masculine edge to it and completed the look with black wool gloves. This would look BANANA's with my black military boots (if they werent dead) so keep that in mind. Can you beleive the whole outfit would only cost just over 30pounds! Amazing. Well that's all for me guys hope you've enjoyed this super long post , I think visually its quite the feast! Till next time xoxo Deni
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