Hey guys! So as previously mentioned today Ben and I both had the day off. We decided that we'd go check out the Tate Modern Art Gallery. Outfit of choice today - a black-charcoal-and-grey marle striped knit sweater I bought from H&M for 9pounds paired with dark denim Cheap Mondays and my trustee ZU boots - I've just had the soles re-glued and they're sure to get me through the winter puddles - perhaps with often visits to the cobbler i'm sure. As we left our flat in the morning the sun peirced through the clouds and the fresh breeze cut through the mostly pleasant weather. Ben decided that we should walk to the Tate Modern - I was fine with that , I love a good walk. Now the Tate is based right by both London & Tower Bridge - a good 20minute tube ride from Brixton. We didnt time it but I think it took us an hour at the most to walk there , or at least thats what it felt like. It was relatively quick and time always goes quick with good conversation. As we discussed possibly going sailing along the Croatia this summer we arrived at the Tate Modern...

A brown brick building that appeared to have a huge chimney column exploding from its side...

Now I for one am a huge lover of Modern Art. As Ben & I discussed art really is what you make of it. It can be anything from an installation of chairs to a video of self-mutilation. Its an individual perception of someones self expression. We saw some interesting things. This peice for some reason caught my eye - a combination of a sketch & taxidermy. I'm not sure what to make of it but for some reason it captivates me. I'm not a fan of dead birds but it got my attention.

The next installation that caught my eye was a peice called '30 Peices of Silver' - a combination of silver plates , platters , cutlery & tea pots suspended by string in circles in a large room.

There were definitley some things that made me scratch my head wondering 'does this really constitute as art' but I guess thats what modern art is not your stereotypical form of art. Not necessarily a pretty painting of perfect sculpture rather a modern interpretation of the artists inspiration even if it is peices of silver dangling from the roof. It was around this time that the security guard lady politely informed me that I wasnt allowed to take photos. There were no signs up so it wasnt as if I was to know. I put the camera away prepared to quickly whip it out when we reached the works of my personal favorite Modern Artist (and one of my favorite artists in general) Andy Warhol - perhaps best known for his pop art silk screen portraits of famous celebrities such as Marilyn Munroe , Elvis Presley and Jackie Onassis. There are many other really cool artworks by Warhol - I loved this one of the guns against a hot pink cow print and yellow background. I find his work very inspiring. His colorful playful attitude is admirable.

after perousing the small range of Warhol drawings and sketches I made my way to the 'Mona Lisa' of Warhol's the 'infamous' screen print of Marilyn Munroe. I had to get the cam out for this!

Oh so cool! The very print that inspired a big chunk of my Year 11 Fashion/Art collection hanging right infront of me - it was quite a cool moment. After my dose of Warhol we left the Tate and walked across the bridge towards Saint Pauls Cathedral as we exited three cute italian girls asked me to take a photo of them 'aw bless there little tourist souls' I thought. Now Saint Pauls really is such a majestic peice of architecture this church was definitley a highlight of London. The wind was really strong and blew my hair in weird direction so just ignore that for the moment and here's a pic of me on the bridge with St.Paul's in the background...

Man my hair looks awful in that photo hehe and now here's Ben - how friggin HOT does he look in this photo , it was like a 'phwoar damn' moment - he's got this half-serious half-trying to pose look on his face , his hair is wind swept in all the right places his broad chest is perfectly accentuated and he just looks so damn sexy! I officially am in love with this photo! ahmaz!

we got up closer to the church and I fell in love with it all over again , it was not the first time i'd seen it but the first time I was really appreciating its structure - its truly spectacular! Unfortunatley I dont think my photography does this church justice - its amazing!

After that we stopped into a Starbucks and I had a peppermint Mocha - probably one of the best drinks i've had EVER hehe I think it may be a new fave! We then just continued to just walk and didnt stop walking , we walked along Fleet Street , all along the Strand , up through Covent Garden towards Leicester Square and then into the centre. We stepped into the Waterstone's book store and I bought a new book for me to read. I decided after such a high intensity book like 'Lost Symbol' I needed something light and easy to read so I decided on 'Bringing home the Birkin' - a true story by Michael Tonello a memoir of mad travels, triumphs and humiliations all in the pursuit of the Holy Grail of designer bags - the Hermes Birkin (high on my wishlist)...

I've already read 8 chapters and I must say its pretty ahmaz already! So following my book purchase we popped into our local Sainsbury's got some food to go - I decided on a cold pasta with chicken and bacon - bought some Banana & Choc Chip cookies for dessert (altough we both swear we tasted not a bit of banana in any of the cookies) and headed to Green Park for lunch :)

I love Green Park and especially in this Autumn-ness surroundings of orange leaves. Heaven! After our late 3pm lunch we continued to do some more walking , I showed Ben the range of Jimmy Choo at H&M and as it gets dark quite early here we were home by 5pm. All in all a very nice day had by all! Back to work tomorrow but bed time for me now. Love y'all xoxo Deni
Hey Deni! Just wanted to say hey - you seem to be havin a perfect little life over there, I am a tad jealous! Enjoy reading your posts though.