Shall I get started? Ok so I finished work at 7.30 tonight and decided I wanted a leisurely walk to the station so walked to Green Park tube station which is about a literally an 8 minute walk at most, but its just a prettier walk and I do it every morning but most nights I just walk up the road to Bond St tube station - well boy am I glad I walked this way instead *things happen for a reason as the saying goes. So as I walked up to the intersection I looked to my right and down the street out the front of what I guessed was Stella McCartney's store (I know all the stores location in this area by heart now) - I saw a huge group of paparazzi and many flashing lights.

"I cant beleive I am standing 3 people away from Stella McCartney" - I kept on thinking. Little did I know just how close I would get to her. So once the lights were on and the band finished playing everyone slowly started to make their way back into the store for the party. I looked around at the glamorous women and suited men - I noticed some also not so glamorous women and quite casual men. I then looked down on myself , dressed in a Black Gold Diesel tee which was black with the words 'Born with Cool' written on it in white , my black Diesel distressed skinny jeans , my new black asymetrical oversized cardigan and black military boots , my black Zara bag dangling off my shoulder appropriatley & my black Dior specs on face. I was the picture of urban fashion , all black with a hint of white. 'I can get into this party if I make myself appear im meant to be here' - so I sandwiched myself inbetween a group of people whopped out the blackberry and pretended to be on the phone to my friend advising her 'Yeah Im walking in now sorry i'm late i'll meet you in there' - worked like a charm. Walked right in and was given a champagne cocktail at my entrance. As I walked through the door there was Stella in the flesh , she smiled at me and said "Hi, How are you?" , I replied "Hi , good thankyou and you" - she smiled back and I continued to walk in. Is-this-really-fucking-happening? I scanned the room , lots of amazingly dressed women , more than I realised , sequined jackets , harem cut pants , I spotted a Jean Blue Birkin within seconds and mostly Stella McCartney accessories with the right amount of Chanel on some rich older women. When I turned around Stella was talking to Tim Blank , Vogue fashion editor (not 'the editor' but 'an editor' at vogue) I had also seen him at Paris Fashion Week and he is some what of a celebrity himself. I then noticed a young girl approach Stella and introduce herself as 'such and such from Grazia magazine' - ok do I lie and say I'm from a magazine , do I tell her i'm a blogger and that i was invited to this soiree. What to do? I paced the room for about 15minutes (it felt more like hours) a quick call to one of my besties Amanda (who I woke up rudely , fuckin time difference) and after a quick 'once in a lifetime' pep talk I hung up the phone deciding I was going to tell Stella the truth & go from there. I began to follow her like a shadow , but there were too many people wanting to talk to her. Just when I thought 'here's my chance' she walked up to her girlfriends. Damn! 'Wait around Denis , text on your phone dont look so desperate , act cool , nonchalant' - and so I did. 5 minutes later the lights started to flicker and Stella had to walk straight passed me to fix them (how down to earth is that by the way) she fixed them then walked towards her buddies again where she had no choice but to pass me , it was with that moment that i approached her put my arm around her waist and politely asked 'Miss McCartney could I trouble you for 2minutes of your time'. 'Of course darling' she replied. (am i actually doing this - i thought) To introduce myself firstly my names Denis (shake her hand)" , "I'm Stella" she said , I stopped myself from saying 'honey I know'. "I'm from Australia I've just moved to london ('how cool' she said cutting in) ... yeah and i'm an up and coming designer and have moved here in hopes to further my fashion career (her brow arched and she said 'cool very good') I continued "...i'm shaking right now because you are one of my idols , I respect you and your work immensley (Oh you're so sweet , thankyou - she replied) ...I'm sorry if i've crashed this invite only event (no i'm glad you could join us - she interjected)...basically I just want to know if I could send you my portfolio and my cv in hopes to get some kind of internship with you?" - was I really asking Stella McCartney herself for an internship? This was insane. "Sure honey , of course. See that guy at the bar (she pointed) thats my assistant Ben , I work with him , he will give you all the necessary details as to where to send you're work and he'll pass it on to me" , "Thankyou so much, it was a pleasure to meet you (..pleasure to meet you to Denis - she replied)...and by the way you look fabulous...(oh thankyou you're so sweet - she replied) - and she did. The women looked immaculate , hair back in bun diamonds in her ears she wore a crisp royal blue thick silk dupion jacket that flared out at the waist/hip area (tres chic) and black legging style pants that had a lace insert on each side of her thigh (the leggings that have been copied by stores internationally from supre to topshop) and amazing shoes - the thing is I cant remember what they look like and i ALWAYS remember shoes but I was that overwhelmed that its kind of all a blur. I walked over to 'Ben at the bar' and introduced myself with a masculine handshake , "Hi Ben is it, I'm Denis , Stella (we're on a first name basis you see) pointed me to your direction so that I could send you my portfolio & CV in hopes of an internship with her" , "Of course , no problems , where are you from" , "Melbourne" , "oh I love Melbourne" , "...yeah Its pretty cool place" , "Denis here's my card and all the necessary details and I look forward to hearing from you" , "I will be in touch with you tomorrow , tell Stella I say thankyou" , "Sounds good , talk soon" - and with those words I walked out that door and tears started to uncontrollably stream down my face! I could not fathom what had just happened , this is exactly the reason why i came to London & could it be that fate , destiny or just a stupid coincidence has opened a door for me that could change my life. At best I have a great story to tell my friends & family.
Keep your fingers & toes crossed for me guys because I wont stop trying to get something out of this once-in-a-lifetime-encounter! I still cant quite beleive it. Talk soon xoxo Deni
well thats an amazing story denis good on you for doing what you did that would have taken alot of guts but you did it so congrats so far will keep our fingers crossed for you a hope the best for you