(Checkout my facebook Wardrobe Diary for the pic). I hopped on the tube got off at Green Park and did the 2minute walk to Dover St. Passing the Ritz on the way...ah the Ritz , if only , one day I will stay in this hotel institution, until then...
Along with the perfume was an amazing array of Jewellery. Ah the jewellery - I'm talking oversized skull rings , bird inspired necklaces , abstract peices that I would kill for but are waay out of my price range! Each floor basically got consistently better. As the lift opened to the second floor 'Poker Face' began perfectly as the doors opened, it was kinda freaky In my mind I was a celebrity in my own little video hehe (im strange like that). I peroused around the incredible womens footwear first - I can look it inspires me. Amazing skyscrapers by Giueseppe Zanotti had me in awe. Behind them a long table of vintage Azzedine Alaia belts - if anyone knows there fashion they'll know that Azzedine Alaia was an incredibly influential designer in the 80s and his vintage peices are high on the lists of every fashion-obsessed designer , stylist , model and/or celebrity. They are truly incredible. To see a whole table full of his signature corset inspired thick high waisted leather belts kinda took my breath away. Here's an example.

As you can see you actually may not know Alai by name but his influence on fashion and in this case belts today is clearly evident! Next level was when things started to get really excited - hanging on the racks my favorite peices were a very futuristic metallic jacket by british designer Gareth Pugh. An incredible Giambattista Valli pink feathered trench coat. An emerald green beatifully pleated Valentino dress with encrusted snake belt to go with it. Some amazing Lanvin peices , Lanvin does amazing dresses with almost inbuilt-jewellery that come with the dresses. Then came the amazing Alexander McQueen and his line of theatric Autumn/Winter gowns had me speechless. I hope all my fashion talk isnt boring you , but to be surrounded by all this beauty , it just makes me feel so inspired to one day have my own works in these ranks.

After checking out the store I went and met Benny after work and Starbucks in hand we wandered around Selfridges and then headed home. Dover Street Market - huge success! A store I will definitley keep visiting just to check out the changing displays and layouts. xoxo Deni