Ok , firstly sorry ive been slack this week i just seriously have not found the time to sit down and update y'all so figured I should do it now that im sick in bed :( So Tuesday was due to be my first day at Diesel as you all know, so I got all ready and in the mood to start this new position got my bus into the city with Benny Boy , got my Starbucks on the way and headed for Bond St the place I now call home hehe (kind of since i'm mostly at work then at home atm) so anyways I get there and get introduced to everyone , they tell me that Michelle - the gorgeous irish girl who is my manager - was not in until later on so I was like ok cool. My assistant manager is Bonny , who is a cool British girl who I think has a hint of indian in her background but she's born and bred here and has a cool accent. I filled out my starter form and then there was a glitch. Basically in the UK you have an N.I number much like a tax-file-number back home. But the NI is ur TFN and social security all in one so when you go to the doctors you use it as well etc its like your identity. However I still havent received mine but was told that by law as I have my Visa I was still allowed to work in the UK even without my NI number because its still being processed. Well not according to Diesel. I got sent home and was told I couldnt work till the NI was processed. They were really sweet and sorry but it was out of their hands. I left feeling really upset and wasnt satisfied with this outcome so I made a few phone calls and found out that I could legally work still , so I called Bonny and she told me she'd take it up with HR and call me back that night. So understandably I was in a upset mood so needed some retail therapy! I headed straight to Marc Jacobs :) where I purchased two things. A really cool ring which has this really cool spike type things that stand up , I DIE! and I also purchased the Naomi Campbell 'Protect the Skin you're In' tee shirt in white (remember Ben got the Milla Jovovich one) - Naomi is fierce and I figured white was good coz I could wear it with quite a bit!

So they're my MJ purchases. After that I went into Christian Louboutin - for those of you who dont know who he is first of all shame! secondly he is basically the god of shoes! His brand of shoes are like no others in the worlds and his signature red sole (all his shoes have a red sole) cause heart palpitations for women (and some men) all over the world. I went in to see his debut menswear range and to find a pair of shoes i specifically saw on the website. There they were sitting under a spotlight. A pair of black velvet studded loafers. Now I dont normally like loafers or velvet. The pair I originally wanted were black leather , but they had just been re-issued in velvet. But these shoes are like heaven on earth. "Do you have a 41" I asked the nice woman with an american accent. She came out with a 41 and a half. "They may be too big but I have to put them on" - they were to big - but my god they were amazing. All the women in the store dropped what they were doing and gathered around me in amazement 'Oh my god they're amazing they really suit you' a sweet italian woman said in her thick accent. "Yes honey but they are 700pounds out of my price range" - I thought but didnt say - one must never appear that they cant afford to be part of the louboutin club - it probably worked to my favor that they didnt fit me because then I wouldve left myself broke by buying them , but they made my day! This is a picture of the leather version - I must say the velvet is pretty freakin cool almost cooler i think

Now on the way home I stopped off at Argos , to see if the bedside tables were in , I thought since I had nothing better to do that would fill up my afternoon. They had one left in stock so I thought i'll take it and set it up for Ben before he gets home from work. Now this thing came flat packed but boy was it heavy. Imagine for a moment this skinny little homo walking through busy Brixton trying to carry this thing , one minute I carried on my head like an african , the next leaning it on my shoulders , I figured out the easiest way to carry it was like a pizza box , it fucking hurt though! So as you all know I can sew a dress but setting up furniture is not my thing. When I got home i realised I had no tools to put this thing together so it took me another hour to go into Brixton and find a hammer and a tool kit (not as easy as you would think) finally I got home and started to tackle my project - it took me 2 and a half hours to set up something that would probably take ben 15 minutes to do. I think I made a few mistakes and the drawer was a bit suspect when you opened it but this is how it turned out - with a few finishing touches I made by putting a photo frame scented candles & little bears Ben's been collecting to tsjuz it up a bit. See interior decorating I can do!

That night I got a call from Michelle my manager advising me all was ok and I could start work at Diesel the following day! So the next day I was good to go - the past 3 days at work have been fantastic. I never realised all the detail and handwork that goes into making a pair of Diesel jeans. Some styles take up to 25 hours of work each per jean! its incredible! Diesel also has an exclusive 'Denim Gallery' range , 'New York Runway' collection and its premium 'Black Gold' range so its actually been a lot more fashion focused then I thought. I also found out that the store I work in is the Flagship store for all of Europe , even over Italy where it originates from so thats really cool. I've been working in womenswear which I am loving and the staff are amazing. So friendly , so laid back and just a group of really cool people. I've made some cool friends which is a bonus. There have been some cool things like the other day Westlife's stylist came in to get clothes for them to wear on X Factor. I had these 2 russian socialites come in and drop alot of money in a 2 hour shopping expedition which was cool. Im really excited about it I think it will be really cool! I will keep you all posted alot more frequently now. Thanks for your patience. Talk soon xoxo Deni
wow deni interesting couple of days for ya, hope it all goes well at diesel.....good on you for puting that bedside table together....
ReplyDeleteawwww Deni these blogs just keep getting better! I am so happy that Diesel is all working out for you, congratulations again! Thank God you are able to work there :) You are so cute! I laughed so much about how you were carrying the box like an African, how cute! Good work for getting the bedside tabel all put together, you are so sweet to do that for Ben :) naww I'm sure it would have been a lovely surprise!