Saturday, October 10, 2009


Today , after spending some much needed time talking to family (tanja) on skype , Ben and I set off to do some more tourist things and a spot of accidental shopping. So we stopped off at Waterloo station (yes like the ABBA song) and walked along over to Tower Bridge! Tower Bridge is so cool its weird because it actually gives me goosebumps when I see it and I did not expect to have that reaction.
After Tower Bridge , we walked along Fleet Street and The Strand (yes like in Monopoly). Ben took me to Saint Paul's Cathedral. In the olden days the rules were that no buildings in London were allowed to be built taller than Saint Paul's so as not to obstruct the view , that rule has obviously changed but still Saint Paul's is quite beautiful.

After that we walked into Covent Garden. Covent Garden is a cool eclectic area with a great market and lots of great shopping! I accidentally stumbled upon a vintage store called Rokit. I headed straight to the vintage sweats (jumpers) as it gets quite nippy here I need an endless supply of throw-it-on jumpers that are still cool and quirky and 'Denis-worthy' hehe I found this really cool retro Mickey Mouse print Grey Marle jumper! For only 15 quid it was an absolute steal and oh so cool. Tonite we went for dinner and drinks to an Aussie Pub-chain out here called The Walkabout , think The Eureka in London LOL its full of aussie's and kiwi's with cheap food and cheap booze. I drank this drink called a 'snakebite' which is basically Beer with this blackcurrant/berry cordial in was quite good I must say. We caught the 'night bus' home , coz thats what everyone does here , buses run 24 hours a day here so theres no need to taxi it home its just hop on a bus for london folk and its quite handy and very cheap!

On the way to the bus , I stopped and took the token tourist shot of me in a London telephone box hehe quite funny I must say...but a must for any tourist coming over here!
Well i'm a little tipsy so I should probably hop into bed. Love you all hope you all had a good saturday night xoxox Deni


  1. thats funny you in central londen with a i love ny tee shirt and a mickey mouse tee as well....zoki

  2. LOVE that mickey mouse jumper :) :)
