Hiya! So the past couple days have been pretty chillaxing. On Sunday I had to work all day and lets face it who wants to spend Sunday at work , not many people , but new job new attitude and it was actually quite a busy shift for a Sunday which was nice. On my lunch break however I had quite an unpleasant experience at Primark. As i've previously mentioned the store Primark (with its cheap as chips clothes shoes accesories and everything else in between) is quite crazy at the best of times , but I thought surely for a Sunday it would be quite right? Wrong! As I walked through the hustle and bustle of people with nothing but Shania Twain on my iPod to keep me company (man I forgot how much i loved that track 'That Dont Impress Me Much' - old school or what) so anyway I'm bopping along merrily through the madness and then out of no where some lady elbows me in the face as she's rummaging through the racks. "I'm sorry" I said rather bluntly. Do you think I got a reply? Nope. She looked at me with this weird face and went back to doing what she was doing. What a rude cow! If you want to get an idea of just how busy it is in Primark , here's a pic I got of the net of an instore shot at the Oxford St store in their peak hour. This is not an exaggeration , you literally see girls getting changed in the aisles because the line for changing rooms is miles long. Its freaking mayhem!

So what kept me going through the shift however was my date with Ben awaiting after I had finished. I was taking Ben to a restaurant he'd been so eagerly wanting to go to called 'Spaghetti House' (the lovers of pasta that we both are) , its like a franchise but apparently it was the first Authentic Italian Restaurant in London so there's quite a few of them around. I got myself all pretty and met B-Boy after work and we walked to Duke St where Spaghetti House awaited us.

I had a yummy Chicken, Asparagus and White Wine Tagliatelle and Ben had a Pumpkin Risotto - I find it funny that we went to Spaghetti House and didn't actually eat Spaghetti but either way it was yum food & great conversation with my favorite boy :) we picked up some free coffee and donuts from Ben's Starbuck's after dinner and walked back through bustling Oxford Circus to get on our tube home. Today work was a bit different. Normally and I think predominantly I will be working in Womenswear - every woman needs a gay fashion expert right? Well this is my manager's philosophy so she's loving having me in Womenswear, but today I got till trained and spent a few hours greeting customers at the entrance of our store which was a bit different from what I normally do. The highlight of my morning was a stylist who came in and purchased 2,500pounds worth of clothes for her 'top secret' male client (I heard whispers it was an english footballer but i'm not good with sportsmen) but that was cool , we had a cool chat about fashion. The highlight of my day though was a lovely brazilian woman who came in looking for the perfect pair of jeans , she had a perfect body so it was not hard to help her but we got talking and she owns a gym and as I need to join a gym (im dying without it) she told me she'd give me a discount so I'm gonna go pay her a visit on my day off this week. Just incase you're all wondering here's a picture of what the front of my store looks like , and you can see some of the inside too like the main feature of our spiral staircase (which I swear I will one day die walking up , I cant tell you the amount of times i've tripped on it already).
I have wednesday and thursday off this week so hopefully i'll have some more interesting adventures to share rather than just work stuff hehe love you all xoxo Deni
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